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Spots, paths, places to get lost, rest, refuel and discover, away from the main roads.

El pilar d'Almenara

The Almenara pillar is a Christian watchtower built shortly after the reconquest on the Bellmunt-Almenara mountain range.

The 15 meter high tower has free access, it is entered by going up an external spiral staircase that leads to two flights of internal metallic and vertical stairs. Going up can become a little adventure.

At the top, a terrace 7 meters in diameter, without railings, which with only about 100 meters above the horizon becomes a fantastic viewpoint over the Urgell plain. With good binoculars it allows us to see a lot of places, such as the Cargol tower, another watchtower located in the Sierra de la Força, in the municipality of Ponts.

A few meters to the east we have the Romanesque church of Sant Vivenç plundered by Republican soldiers to make machine gun nests in the area during the Civil War.

In the photos you can see graffitis, something classic in heritage with free access. As in other spaces, access will end up being restricted. A pity.
I think it is an ideal place to go to see sunsets with good binoculars. We have gone too early and with haze.
Terrace without railing
Romanesque of San Vicente in the east

Natural Area of the Sierra de Bellmunt-Almenara

Pilar de Almenara is part of the natural space of the Sierra de Bellmunt, where you can see little bustards, dukes, barn owls, lovebirds, blue jays and hawks.


Pilar d'Almenara, 25331, Lleida, Spain
Click for an interactive map


24 hours open Agramunt Excursion Free access GR3 Heritage L'Urgell Lands of Lleida Lleida Natural Areas of the West Ornithology Stones Tower Viewpoint

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24 hours open Agramunt Excursion Free access GR3 Heritage L'Urgell Lands of Lleida Lleida Natural Areas of the West Ornithology Stones Tower Viewpoint

The agenda of the Lands of Lleida

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